Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Depth Derived from Experience

I am convinced, and I say it in my correspondence and teaching of aspiring writers, that the best and most effective writing comes not just from study and thinking, it comes from genuine experiences in the arena of life and ministry. Depth comes from experience, from processed experiences. There are many things that I don’t feel qualified to write about because I still have too much to learn. Three of them are:
  1. Marriage and Child rearing.
  2. Spiritual Warfare.
  3. The book of Revelation.

I still have way too much to learn in these areas. However, I wrote up an outline of thoughts and ideas on the second one. It is a study from Ephesians 6. It can be read right here: Survival in the War Zone.


  1. You know, you don't have to be an absolute authority on these subjects to write about them.

    Especially if you preface your work by saying you want to write through this idea as a way of learning more about it. I don't have to tell you that the processing we do when we write something down challenges us on a number of levels and adds to our understanding.

    I could see if you say, "I don't want to publish any blogs on this idea." I just don't want you to lay aside a legitimate tool for whatever reason.

  2. You are right. And a big part of being in the "arena of life" is that we are not on our own. We benefit greatly by eliciting and accepting input from others. Thank you.
